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      Our several thousand suppliers are highly significant in the Hydro value chain – and crucial to our continued success.

      Prior to working with Hydro, all suppliers are subject to a qualification process. Our corporate policies regarding procurement and the qualification process are common for all business areas.

      Use the right-column links to find Hydro policies and tools, our Supplier Code of Conduct, and our General Purchasing Conditions.

      Our policies require that Hydro’s suppliers meet certain standards regarding 

      • quality
      • health
      • safety and environment
      • financial sustainability
      • corporate social responsibility, including human rights, anti-corruption and working conditions.

      More information about HSE requirements and corporate social responsibility policies are available on the Policies and tools page (see link at right).

      Compliance with the required standards must be documented in the qualification documents and contracts.

      Local specifications

      Our procurement organization is decentralized to suit the various business areas around the world. While particular qualification requirements may differ, our corporate policies regarding procurement and the qualification process are common for all business areas.

      Unless agreed otherwise, or unless country-specific general terms of purchasing apply, the Hydro Extrusions Standard Terms and Conditions of Purchase shall govern. They are automatically incorporated by reference into every Purchase Order submitted by Hydro Extrusions AS or Hydro Extruded Solutions AS or any of its subsidiaries to any supplier or any of its affiliates. 

      Hydro Extrusions General Purchasing Terms & Conditions

      Acceptance of any Purchase Order is expressly limited to these Standard Terms and Conditions of Purchase and Hydro objects to and rejects any different or additional terms provided in response. No other terms or conditions endorsed upon, delivered with or contained in supplier's quotation, acknowledgement or acceptance of a Purchase Order or similar document shall form part of the parties' contract and are automatically voided, superseded and of no legal force or effect.

      If country or site-specific general terms of purchasing apply, these can be found under the country or locations specific pages.

      Unless agreed otherwise, or unless country-specific general terms of purchasing apply, the Hydro Aluminium General conditions for purchase of goods and services shall govern. They are automatically incorporated by reference into every Purchase Order submitted by Hydro Aluminium or any of its subsidiaries to any supplier or any of its affiliates. 

      Hydro Aluminium General Purchasing Terms & Conditions

      Hydro Aluminium Generelle vilkår varer og tjenester (Norwegian)

      Acceptance of any Purchase Order is expressly limited to these Standard Terms and Conditions of Purchase and Hydro objects to and rejects any different or additional terms provided in response. No other terms or conditions endorsed upon, delivered with or contained in supplier's quotation, acknowledgement or acceptance of a Purchase Order or similar document shall form part of the parties' contract and are automatically voided, superseded and of no legal force or effect.

      Unless agreed otherwise, or unless country-specific general terms of purchasing apply, the Hydro Energy General conditions for purchase of goods and services shall govern. They are automatically incorporated by reference into every Purchase Order submitted by Hydro Energy or any of its subsidiaries to any supplier or any of its affiliates.

      Acceptance of any Purchase Order is expressly limited to these Standard Terms and Conditions of Purchase and Hydro objects to and rejects any different or additional terms provided in response. No other terms or conditions endorsed upon, delivered with or contained in supplier's quotation, acknowledgement or acceptance of a Purchase Order or similar document shall form part of the parties' contract and are automatically voided, superseded and of no legal force or effect.

      Hydro General Conditions Good and Services
      Hydro Generelle betingelser for kjøp av varer og tjenester (Norwegian)

      In Brazil, we have a centralized purchasing process for our operations that serves several business areas.

      To be registered as a supplier in Hydro’s database, we need you to complete a prerequisite Questionnaire that demonstrates your and Hydro’s commitment to comply with legal, regulatory human rights, integrity and other obligations. 

      Go to registration form for suppliers