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      Facts about climate benefits

      Hydro's pilot plant in Karmøy began operations in January 2018, and has the most climate and energy-efficient aluminum production technology in the world. The technology pilot is ground breaking for Hydro, Norway and the world.

      Karmøy technology pilot
      • Hydro is a world leader in research and development in the aluminum industry. We want to use the technology pilot at Karmøy to roll out the world’s most energy and climate efficient technology for producing aluminum.
      • In recent years, our researchers in Hydro’s technology centers in Årdal, Porsgrunn and Neuss have developed the next generation in electrolysis technology, which will reduce energy consumption and emissions in the aluminum industry. This technology is now ready to be tested in a full-scale production plant.
      • If we succeed, the new technology as a whole can be installed in future aluminum plants, and some technology elements can be implemented in existing plants to improve energy efficiency and operational stability.
      • The new pilot facility will be built at Hydro’s existing aluminum plant at Karmøy in Rogaland County.
      • Using 60 new pots, the pilot plant produces about 75,000 tonnes of aluminum a year. 
      • The pilot plant provide new jobs at Karmøy and increase total production capacity by 40 percent.
      • The technology pilot is estimated to cost NOK 4.3 billion, supported by a contribution of close to NOK 1.6 billion from Enova, a Norwegian public enterprise which supports new energy and climate-related technology.
      • Innovation Norway provided NOK 22.5 million in support to the technology development program for the pilot, which made it possible to maintain momentum until the investment support from Enova was secured.