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      No disturbances in bauxite residue deposits after heavy rainfall in Barcarena

      After a short period of unusually heavy rainfall in the region of Barcarena, near Hydro’s alumina refinery in Brazil, technical surveys by different surveillance authorities have confirmed that there has been no leakage from or rupture of the bauxite residue deposits, also known as red mud. Hydro cooperates with the relevant authorities and the local community.

      The technical studies were performed by the Secretary of State for Environment and Sustainability (Semas), Municipal Secretary of Environment and Economic Development of Barcarena (Semade), Municipal Secretary of Environment of Abaetetuba (Semea), Civil Defense, the local fire brigade of Barcarena, Ibama, Evandro Chagas Institute and Renato Chaves Science Center.

      Hydro is using state-of-art technology in its deposits for bauxite residue. The first deposit, which uses dry stacking, is reaching its end of life. The new deposit now starting up, is using novel press filter technology to remove even more liquids in the residue. The deposit collects all liquids from the area and treats this before it is released to the nearby river. All is monitored through sampling and tests.