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      Media gallery

      You are welcome to download and use media from Hydro. Our global Media Gallery page includes links to high resolutions images, videos and information on the use of our logo.

      Extrusion colleagues


      High resolutions images of our people, products, operations and activities worldwide can be found on Flickr.

      Photos are free to use with photographer credit, which is found under each image. If no photographer is stated, credit Hydro (Photo: Hydro). 


      Videos from Hydro can be found on YouTube. You can embed most of the videos found on our channel. 

      The Hydro logo

      You are welcome to download and use our logo, but please follow the straightforward design requirements. More information about the use of our logo can be found in our brand center on our Global Website.

      Should you have any questions related to the use of media content, you can also contact the press officer on call.