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Whether downloading from the Hydro photo gallery, commissioning a photo shoot, or finding stock imagery, high quality photos are critical in creating genuine and authentic Hydro communication.

When shooting original imagery, use the examples shown in this manual as a visual reference, and follow style considerations to capture the essence of our brand image style. 

We do not expect each image to reflect all elements of our brand, but they should convey some of them and certainly not contradict them.

Hydro’s brand image style has been developed to unite all business areas through a consistent photographic expression while covering a broad scope of Hydro’s business - from small, local units to large-scale global projects. Both in color and black and white, the photography elevates our business and projects an extroverted, innovative, sustainable, professional and contemporary theme. 

Our brand images are divided into five different categories -  the five “P’s”:


The tangible raw material. Bauxite, alumina, water and aluminum.

The images in this category are detailed close-ups and macro shots. Textures, reflections and tactility are accentuated through light and shadows. Black and white is particularly suited for images of alumina and aluminum, while color is highly recommended for images of bauxite and water.

aluminium in the shape of bars, ingots, extruded profiles, rolled sheets, alumina and bauxite


Authenticity and unity defined through diversity, professionalism, collaboration, caring and warmth.

These images focus on people and their expressions: eyes, faces, personality and moods. They portray real Hydro employees in real environments, using charismatic people who act naturally in front of the camera. The category includes portraits and situational shots of single employees as well as people working together. Both black and white and color are allowed. Black and white is especially recommended for close-up portraits.

a wide range of hydro employees; men, women, young, old.


Expertise defined through innovation, precision, quality, safety and reliability.

Process category images depict the specific course of events associated with a certain task or business unit. The images may include people; however, the main focus should be on the tasks they perform. Situations or scenarios must be authentic and situational scenes should demonstrate our focus on innovation and sustainability. Color images dominate this category.

stages of aluminium production; bauxite excavation, melting, measuring


The refined result. Innovative and sustainable aluminum solutions.

Whenever possible, product images are shot in a controlled studio environment. Large and/or heavy items that cannot be easily transported may be shot where they are with portable lights and backgrounds. Images are clean and crisp, and present our products in an artistic way through interesting compositions and carefully considered lighting. All images are in color, but they are very subdued.

different aluminium products, mostly extruded ones


Environmental responsibility defined through awe-inspiring

Sustainable development is at the very core of Hydro, and caring for the natural environment that surrounds us is one of our most important tasks. The images in this category are nature photography from the areas in which we operate. Structures related to Hydro’s business (such as dams) may be included in the images as long as the surrounding environment dominates the image. Only color images should feature in this category.

Collage with waterfalls and hydro dam

Color grading examples

The examples show adjustments that have been made to obtain the proper Hydro look. Use them as a reference when starting a new project.

Color grading a photo to make it look cold and metallic
1. Incandescent light graded to natural light. 2. Natural and vivid skin tones. 3. Blue colors adjusted to match the primary color palette. 4. Background adjusted to match the primary color palette
extruded products, shown with matching hydro brand colours
Images graded to match the primary color palette


color graded people; their clothes and backgrounds match hydro's brand colours
Images graded to match the primary color palette


colour graded beach and ocean to match hydro's primary brand colours
Image graded to match the primary color palette
Hydro media gallery