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      Hydro Portland, OR

      Hydro's Extrusion plant in Portland, Oregon, USA provides extrusion, finishing, and thermal improvement services. Hydro Portland also provides in-house painting and anodizing services.

      man racking extruded aluminumAbout Portland

      Our Portland Oregon extrusion location is one of Hydro's larger sites in North America. Hydro Portland provides extruded aluminum for a variety of industries including aluminum curtainwall components for building and construction. With in-house painting and anodizing, Portland supplies aluminum to manufacturing companies throughout the Pacific Northwest and beyond.

      Your aluminum extrusion partner

      At the heart of our business lies over 50 years of global experience in aluminum extrusions and manufacturing processes. Education, design, manufacturing, fabrication, surface treatment, finishing and logistics, such as packaging and distribution – we offer unmatched capabilities, knowledge and competence in finding the best possible solution for your aluminum project – every time. 

      Value adding through innovation and R&D 

      Hydro's material and process research, as well as our experience in application development, add value to your business. We offer support from our research and development teams worldwide in your design and product development. We help innovate energy-efficient solutions that match your needs for light weight and reduced energy consumption.


      7933 NE 21st Avenue

      Portland, OR 97211

      United States