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      Hydro Mountain Top, PA

      Hydro's Extrusion plant in Mountain Top, Pennsylvania, USA provides extrusion, machining, fabrication, and finishing services. Hydro Mountain Top also offers in-house aluminum anodizing.

      Light playing across  the surface of extruded aluminum

      In North America, Hydro Extrusions offers a wide range of expert solutions for die design, aluminum extrusion, fabrication, and surface treatment (such as anodizing or paint) so that you can focus on what you are good at. Our experts can help design everything from customized, extruded aluminum shapes to finished components that save you time and effort in the manufacturing process.

      Hydro Mountain Top is located in scenic north central Pennsylvania, only a short drive from many urban centers in north eastern United States. In addition to all the resources of the Hydro Extrusions network in North America, Hydro Mountain Top offers in-house anodizing and extrusion from two aluminum extrusion presses located on-site.


      330 Elmwood Ave

      Mountain Top, PA 18707

      United States