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      Media contact: +47 22 53 82 10

      The telephone is manned around the clock (not sms) ... to bo translated

      halvor molland

      Halvor Molland

      Senior vice president, Group Communication
      Anders Vindegg, Head of Media Relations

      Anders Vindegg

      Head of Media Relations, Group Communication

      Business area communication contacts in Hungarian:

      Maria Melfald Tveten

      Maria Melfald Tveten

      Head of Communication & Public Affairs, Hydro Energy

      Area of responsibility: Energy

      a man in a striped shirt

      Einar Fannemel

      Communcation Manager, Hydro Aluminium Metal

      Area of responsibility: Aluminium Metal, primary production

      Jacob Nielsen

      Jacob Nielsen

      Director Communication, Hydro Extrusions

      Area of responsibility: Extrusions


      Norsk Hydro ASA


      P.O. Box 980 Skøyen
