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      Occupational health and safety

      We value human life above all other considerations and will not compromise the health and safety of those working for us or affected by our activities. We want every employee, contractor and visitor to return home healthy and safe every day.

      Hydro employ listening to instructions regarding health, safety and environment
      The health and safety of our employees and communities is our No. 1 priority.

      Occupational health and safety are an integrated part of our daily activities. We are committed to providing a healthy and safe workplace for our employees, contractors, and visitors. We are promoting and improving their well-being, and operating our installations without harm to the communities in which we operate.

      Healthy and safe work conditions are recognized as a human right and addressed by these organizations (external links):

      Occupation Health and Safety Management System

      HSE system

      Hydro has developed a comprehensive health and safety management system and our manufacturing sites are certified to internationally recognized health and safety standards.

      We embrace digital tools where possible and have developed advancedincident management tools, self-assessment systems, risk management processes etc. all easily accessible.

      We believe that all injuries and occupational illness can be avoided.

      No management system or policy alone can guarantee health and safety, but through a combination of a healthy and safe work environment, best practices in health and safety management, a fully engaged workforce focused on the well-being of themselves and their colleagues, and committed and visible leadership, the goal of zero injuries and occupational ill-health cases is within reach.

      Hydro is recognized for its outstanding performance on occupational health and safety, demonstrating a strong sense of responsibility for people and for its contribution to a more viable society through innovation and efficient production.

      Occupational Health

      Our approach to improving occupational health is based on work environment risk assessments, covering physical, chemical, and psychosocial risks. To prevent occupational ill-health, we have developed and implemented:

      • Controls over hazardous materials with special focus on carcinogen, mutagen, and toxic for reproduction substances (CMR)
      • Noise reduction activities
      • Ergonomic improvement focusing on prevention of musculoskeletal disorders
      • Health and well-being programs, including psychosocial risk and the creation of a global health team


      Ensuring the safety of all employees, contractors, and visitors on our sites is our number one priority.

      We strive to create a safe working environment and foster safe behavior among our employees and contractors.

      Our approach to improving safety performance is based on risk management, leadership qualities and shop floor engagement.

      We focus on all incidents and have processes in places to establish root causes and corrective actions and the most serious incidents are referred to as High Risk Incidents (HRI) and have a focused response.

      To avoid the most serious HRI we have implemented our fatality prevention procedures to emphasize seven critical topics:

      • Energy isolation
      • Fall prevention
      • Mobile equipment
      • Overhead cranes
      • Confined space entry
      • Molten metal safety
      • Contractor management

      Our most important goal is zero fatalities and life-changing injuries, but we also commit much of our efforts to prevent all injuries. Many of our sites among the 40 countries where we operate experience zero injuries over time, but injuries do occur, and some are serious, and our commitment is unwavering in the pursuit of Zero injuries.

      Emergency and Security

      The ability to react and respond positively to prevent and mitigate injury, damage to the environment, property, and Hydro’s reputation is our most important goal when dealing with Emergency or crisis situations.

      We maintain emergency and crisis plans which are designed to deal with all types of emergency situations which could create an immediate or potential threat to:

      Life or health of company personnel, other personnel on company premises or the public.

      • The environment
      • Company assets or public property
      • The commercial business of the company
      • Credibility and image

      Our Emergency Preparedness plans enable an effective response to high-risk incidents and crises ensuring an effective, cohesive, integrated, and timely response to any business disruption, regardless of scale or complexity and its origin.

      Security within Hydro is delivered and implemented through a pro-active Security Risk Management Process, which has a focus on analysis, to enable appropriate mitigating actions and accurate and timely decision-making.

      Our Security Management process conforms to The Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights and ISO 18788 (Management System for Private Security Operations), incorporating both international and industry best practices.

      Training on security awareness for travelers is available to all Hydro personnel and specially designed for those who travel frequently as part of their role. This training highlights the threats that Hydro personnel may face and describes how good travel planning coupled with sensible precautions can help us stay safe and remain secure when traveling.