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      The correct alloy for your aluminium profile

      We produce all standard and custom aluminium extrusion alloys and tempers, shapes and sizes, by both direct and indirect extrusion. Our team of experts can develop solutions for virtually any aluminium profile application. We also have the resources and ability to create custom alloys for customers.

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      Choosing the right alloy for extruded aluminium

      Pure aluminium is relatively soft. To overcome this, it can be alloyed with other metals. We have developed aluminium alloys that are tailored to cover most of the applications in the industry. They are available globally.

      Infinite number of  extruded aluminium applications

      The extrusion process, combined with proper selection of alloy and quenching, provides an infinite number of extruded aluminium profile applications and product improvements. For instance, the 6060 alloy offers a corrosion-resistant extrusion with an excellent finish. Alloys can be improved by heat treatment after extrusion.

      Here are some of the aluminium alloys that we use in your extruded solutions: