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      Pylons come in two sizes. The largest should be placed at main gates or other entry points to the site, while the smaller pylon should be placed by the main entrance.

      pylons with logo and text in dark blue and light gray, various sizes, size of person to scale.
      Always make sure pylons are clean and undamaged, not covered by unwanted vegetation such as weeds,and that the illumination is functioning as it should.

      The latter can also be used for site wayfinding when needed. Both pylons must be produced in aluminium and colored in the Hydro Blue color in a matte finish. The logo must be white, set flush with the aluminium front, and have internal LED lighting. Text must be set in Arial and applied with matte white foil, to ensure that it can be easily exchanged if necessary.

      Updating existing systems

      Sites that are continuing to use an existing system must update these with the new design, as shown in the illustration. Panels that are in good repair may be re-used as long as they are completely updated. This system may also be installed at new sites as a more cost-efficient option. No illumination is required.

      pylons with logo and text in dark blue and light gray, various sizes, size of person to scale, with measurements