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      UN Sustainable Development Goals

      The 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) embrace a universal approach to the sustainable development agenda. Hydro has an impact on all of the 17 development goals, some more than others. Of the 17 goals, Hydro has chosen eight goals that are the most important to us, which are highlighted throughout the report.

      Improving our footprint

      application, icon

      Making a positive difference


      Driving innovation



      The 17 SDGs explicitly call on businesses to use creativity and innovation to address development challenges and recognize the need for governments to encourage sustainability reporting.

      The UN Sustainable Development Goals constitute a universal, integrated and transformative vision for a sustainable world. For the goals to be reached, the UN General Secretary has called on everyone to do their part: governments, the private sector, and civil society. 

      Hydro recognizes that corporations also have a responsibility to minimize the negative impacts and maximize the positive impacts of our company, the industry – and for our planet. To us, sustainability is about making our products in ways that harvest the fruits of the world, without consuming the world itself. We want our products to make an impact on people’s lives, without making a substantial negative impact on our planet.

      Please refer to the most recent annual report, for an overview of Hydro's reporting in relation to the SDGs.