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      Tailings safety disclosure forms

      Hydro’s tailings facilities and bauxite residue tailings facilities are operated in line with relevant regulations. For active tailings facilities we follow voluntary best practice and audits are conducted by international third parties. Hydro is committed to implement the Global Industry Standard on Tailings Management (GISTM).

      Tailings facilities operated by Hydro with “Extreme” or “Very high” potential consequences will be in conformance with the Standard by August 5, 2023. Other tailings facilities operated by Hydro not in a state of safe closure will be in conformance with the standard by August 5, 2025.

      In addition to the tailings facilities at Paragominas and the bauxite residue deposits at Alunorte, Hydro has closed tailings facilities in Schwandorf and Stulln in Germany that falls under the GISTM commitment.

      Hydro is a member of ICMM which is one of the three co-conveners of GISTM alongside UN Environment Program (UNEP) and PRI, an investor initiative in partnership with UNEP Finance Initiative and UN Global Compact.

      Information about each tailings facility is given in line with the recommendations of The Investor Mining & Tailings Safety Initiative which is governed through a Steering Committee Chaired by the Church of England Pensions Board and the Swedish Council of Ethics of the AP Funds. 

      Tailings Management Policy