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      Hydro’s most important partnerships

      Hydro participates in many global partnerships that contribute to a viable society. We participate in industry associations, international organizations and projects focused on specific goals. Below we have listed our most important partnerships.

      The Aluminum Association is the industry’s leading voice in Washington, DC. It provides global standards, industry statistics and expert knowledge to member companies and policy makers nationwide. Highly engaged in public policy and technical forums, the Association is committed to advancing aluminum as the sustainable metal of choice around the world.

      Head of Commercial North America, Hydro Aluminum Metal,  Trond Gjellesvik and SVP Hydro Extrusions North America Charles Straface are board members in the organization. Hydro participates in projects and committees as appropriate.  Financial contributions are given through ordinary membership fees.

      The Aluminum Extruders Council (AEC) is an international trade association, founded in 1950, dedicated to advancing the effective use of aluminum extrusion in North America.

      Hydro is committed to the AEC’s goals of Fair Trade initiatives, Industry Promotion and Education. Hydro participates in projects and committees as appropriate.

      Hydro has a cooperation agreement with AEC including an annual contribution of about NOK 250,000.

      The Aluminium Stewardship Initiative (ASI) is working towards greater sustainability and transparency in the aluminium industry by addressing the environmental, social and governance aspects of the entire aluminium value chain. The initiative, which was launched in 2012, is a result of a multi-stakeholder engagement that started in 2009. ASI has developed a global standard for a sustainable resource management across the entire aluminium value chain, and a third party certification system was launched in December 2017.

      Hydro is participating with other companies and stakeholders from the aluminium value chain in developing the ASI standard. Financial contributions are given as ordinary membership fees.

      Read more aout how we work with ASI here.

      Amnesty International is a world-embracing, member-controlled human rights organization. The organization is independent of any government, financial agents, political persuasion or religious creed.

      Hydro has had a cooperation agreement with Amnesty International Norway since 2002. The organization provides Hydro employees with information about and training in human rights. Different Hydro groups, including the management, take part in training programs and dialog meetings. Hydro provides Amnesty with insight into the human rights dilemmas that international companies may be faced with. Hydro contributes NOK 750,000 annually to Amnesty’s general human rights work.

      Aluminium Deutschland  with headquarters in Düsseldorf, Germany, was established in its current form in 1992 in Dresden. It is an association of aluminium companies that produce raw aluminium or aluminium products, including composites with other materials. As an industrial sector association, GDA represents the interests of an efficient aluminium industry and the employment it offers with the aim of:

      • conveying the economic, ecological and technical benefits of aluminium,  including in competition with other materials, and thereby increasing the use of this ‘material for future generations’,
      • implementing the ecological, economic and social aims of the aluminium industry with respect to sustainability,
      • continuing to determinedly pursue the implementation of sustainable development in the aluminium industry to meet the needs of the future and to do this in discussion with all groups of society.

      Hydro is represented in the executive committee and  is a regular participant in projects and committees as appropriate. Financial contributions are given through ordinary membership fees.

      The Brazilian Association of Large Industrial Consumers and Free Consumers of Energy (ABRACE) was founded August 22 1984. ABRACE aims to modernize the energy sector, integrate economic and commercial projects, and be a supporter of free trade, increased investments, increased competitiveness and generate jobs and wellness for the population.

      Hydro’s Head of Governance Affairs in Brazil, Anderson Baranov, is a board member. Hydro participates in projects and committees as appropriate. Financial contributions are given as ordinary membership fees.

      The Brazilian Aluminum Association (ABAL) was founded in 1970 by several primary aluminium producing and processing companies. The goal was to create a common forum to address issues in the aluminium industry and to promote the interest of the industry before the government and the community in these industry-concerned matters.

      Hydro participates through Working Committees and Sector Groups as appropriate. Financial contributions are given as ordinary membership fees.

      To increase our knowledge and to secure a science-based approach, the Biodiversity Research Consortium Brazil - Norway (BRC) was established in 2013. BRC consists of the University of Oslo, Norway, and its Brazilian partners Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi, Federal University of Pará and Federal Rural University of the Amazon in addition to Hydro. The scope of the consortium is to create a research program connected to our mining operations. The aim is to strengthen Hydro's ability to preserve the natural biodiversity of the areas where we mine bauxite. BRC was further strengthened in January 2016 through a new research collaboration agreement between the Research Council of Norway and the state of Pará.

      Hydro’s Head of HSE & CSR in B&A, Domingos Campos is a board member. Hydro participates in projects as appropriate. 

      Hydro has a Consortium agreement with UiO, UFPA, UFRA and Museo Emilio Goeldi. Hydro has committed to projects with the various scientists amounting to about NOK 30 million over a four year period. In addition Hydro has a Partnership Agreement with UiO providing support in establishing and managing the BRC.

      Business Europe is the leading advocate for growth and competitiveness at European level, standing up for companies across the continent and campaigning on the issues that most influence their performance. It speaks for all-sized enterprises in 34 European countries whose national business federations are its direct members. Alongside the national federations which together constitute Business Europe, the Corporate Advisory and Support Group offers particular services to a selection of companies in all sectors of activity.

      Hydro is a partner company of Business Euorpe and participates in projects and committees as appropriate. Financial contributions are given as ordinary membership fees.

      The Center for European Policy Studies (CEPS) is a leading ​think tank and ​forum for debate on EU affairs,​ with in-house research capacity​ and an extensive network of partner institutes throughout the world. Covering all European policy areas, it offers exchanges, provides insights on and potential solutions for EU policy making. Through CEPS, Hydro is in a position to communicate to different stakeholders. Hydro pays an annual contribution given as ordinary membership fee and additional fees when participating in additional task forces, when relevant.

      The Confederation of Norwegian Enterprise (Næringslivets Hovedorganisasjon – NHO) is Norway’s major organization for employers and the leading business lobby. NHO’s current membership of more than 22 000 companies range from small family-owned businesses to multinational companies in most sectors. NHO is the leading voice of business and industry in Norway. Having expert knowledge and an extensive business network, the NHO plays an important and constructive role in the Norwegian society. Their main objective is to create and sustain conditions that secure the competitiveness and profitability of business and industry, and thereby maintain the basis for a good standard of living, sound economic growth and sustainable development.

      Hydro participates in projects and committees as appropriate. Financial contributions are given as ordinary membership fees.

      The ICMM, IPIECA (the global oil and gas industry association for environmental and social issues) and the Equator Principles Association launched a Cross-Sector Biodiversity Initiative (CSBI) in Washington, D.C. on February 6, 2013.

      The objective is to develop best practices on biodiversity for companies to implement and use.

      Hydro is participating in CSBI through our ICMM membership and are actively participating in various working groups.

      The Danish Institute for Human Rights (DIHR) is an independent state-funded institution. Their mandate is to promote and protect human rights and equal treatment in Denmark and abroad. DIHR cooperates with National Human Rights institutions, state institutions with a cross-cutting human rights mandate and justice system actors, enabling them to strengthen human rights. 

      Hydro is a member of the Nordic Business Network for human rights (NBNHR) where DIHR has the role of secretariat and moderator. The 15 member companies share competence and work with human rights impacts in their organizations and supply chains. Hydro employees do not hold any positions in governance bodies. Financial contributions to DIHR are given as ordinary NBNHR membership fees.

      Energy Norway (Energi Norge) is a non-profit industry organization representing about 270 companies involved in the production, distribution and trading of electricity in Norway. Within Energi Norge, there are different working groups with representatives from Energi Norge and the energy industry in Norway.

      Since 2011, Liv Rathe has been a member of Energi Norge’s Climate Forum. The Forum deals with climate policy issues, and publishes policy papers that are distributed as a common position of the energy industry.

      Eurometaux constitutes the interface between the European non-ferrous metals industry and the European authorities and international or intergovernmental bodies. It is committed to establishing dialogue with the latter in order to ensure early consultation in all fields of policy and legislation that may affect industry and to asserting the sector's views and positions in this respect. It also promotes the contribution of the European industry and its products to sustainable development. In doing so, Eurometaux aims at enabling the entire value chain of the non-ferrous metals industry to prosper in the EU in a sustainable manner.

      Hydro is represented by Executive Vice President & Head of EU Affairs Rønnaug Sægrov Mysterud in the Management Committee and the Executive Committee of the association and participates in projects and committees as appropriate. Financial contributions are given as ordinary membership fees.

      European Aluminium is the European umbrella group for the aluminium industry, from primary metal production to semi-fabrication of aluminium products to recycling. The European Aluminium represents the interests of the industry towards European Union decision-makers and promote aluminium’s contribution to sustainable development.

      As a major player in the European aluminium industry, Hydro is a long-standing and active member of the European Aluminium. 

      Financial contributions are given as ordinary membership fees.

      The European Roundtable of Industry (ERT) was initiated in 1983 and is a forum bringing together around 50 Chief Executives and Chairmen of major multinational companies of European parentage covering a wide range of industrial and technological sectors. Drawing on the global experience of its Members, ERT identifies important issues related to European competitiveness and advocates how public policies at both national and European level could facilitate improvements.

      Hydro’s President and CEO, Hilde Merete Aasheim, participates in the CEOs’ Plenary Sessions which determine the ERT’s work program. Hydro participates in projects and committees as appropriate. Financial contributions are given as ordinary membership fees.

      The Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) aims to increase transparency in transactions between governments and companies within extractive industries. Then-UK Prime Minister Tony Blair announced the initiative at the World Summit on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg in September 2002.

      Hydro has supported the EITI since the foundation and reported on a voluntary basis since 2005. We report on our payments to governments, and we will participate in national EITI projects in countries where we have extractive activities.

      Hydro participates in projects and committees as appropriate. Hydro's contribution to EITI is given through ICMM.

      The Federation of Norwegian Industries (Norsk Industri) was established in 2005, but its history goes back to 1889 and the establishment of the Mechanical Industry Association. With around 2400 member companies, The Federation’s most important task is to ensure that society understands how important a viable industry is for our future welfare. Key activates are consequently to ensure that the authorities adopt a long-term fiscal policy in which the competitiveness of Norwegian industry is given the highest priority, and in which Norwegian industrial companies are allowed to further develop their strongholds, namely an advanced and technology-intensive industry based on one of our national assets: hydropower.

      Hydro participates in projects and committees as appropriate. Financial contributions are given as ordinary membership fees.

      The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) is a long-term, multi-stakeholder, international process whose mission is to develop and disseminate globally applicable sustainability reporting standards. These standards are for voluntary use by organizations for reporting on economic, environmental and social dimensions of their activities, products, and services. GRI collaborates amongst other with the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and UN Global Compact.

      Hydro is a Gold Community member to GRI. Hydro employees may participate in working groups as appropriate, based on their own merits. Financial contributions are given as ordinary membership fee. 

      The International Aluminium Institute (IAI) is an organization that represents over 60% of global bauxite, alumina and aluminium production, and works to promote the use of aluminum. It was founded in 1972 and has members from the entire aluminum value chain. IAI work to increase the knowledge and a wider understanding of how aluminium is produced and how the metal can be used and recycled to realize its sustainable potential.  IAI also encourage and assist in continuous progress for healthy, safe and environmentally sound production of aluminium.

      EVP John Thuestad represents Hydro in the IAI BoD. Hydro participates in projects and committees as appropriate. Financial contributions are given as ordinary membership fees.

      The International Council on Mining and Metals (ICMM) works to promote sustainable development performance in the mining and metals industry. ICMM was founded in 2001 after a multi-stakeholder research initiative identified the mining industry’s potential contributions to a sustainable society. The council brings together mining and metals companies as well as national and regional mining associations and global commodity associations to address core sustainable development challenges. ICMM member companies are expected to commit to the implementation of ICMM’s Mining with Principles as a condition of their membership in ICMM. Hydro’s President and CEO, Hilde Merete Aasheim, is member of the ICMM council, and Head of ESG in Hydro Bauxite and Alumina Giuliana Larice, is member of the Principal Liaisons Committee. Hydro participates in projects and committees as appropriate. Financial contributions are given as ordinary membership fees.

      The International Emissions Trading Association (IETA) is a non-profit business organization created in 1999 to establish a functional international framework for trading in greenhouse gas emission reductions. IETA’s membership includes leading international companies from across the carbon trading cycle. IETA members seek to stimulate the development of emissions trading schemes that results in real and verifiable greenhouse gas emission reductions, while balancing economic efficiency with environmental integrity.

      Head of Department in Hydro’s Climate Office, Liv Rathe, is a member of the IETA board. Hydro participates in different working groups, with the special attention on committees focusing on the EU Emission Trading Scheme. Financial contributions are given as ordinary membership fees.

      IFIEC Europe is an international non-profit association of scientific nature, established in 1989 and governed as association internationale sans but lucrative (aisbl) under Belgian law with its premises in Brussels, Belgium. IFIEC Europe represents the interests of industrial energy users in Europe for whom energy is a significant component of production costs and a key for competitiveness in their activities in both Europe and throughout the world.

      Hydro participates in projects and committees as appropriate. Financial contributions are given as ordinary membership fees.

      Hydro Energy is a member of the International Hydropower Association (IHA), which represents organizations committed to responsible and sustainable development and operation of hydropower.

      As a member, Hydro Energy has declared support to the Sao Jose Declaration for sustainable hydropower, and we are committed to not develop hydropower in World Heritage sites.

      We are accepted to IHA based on our sustainability commitments and are actively engaged. IHA gives us a network and fora for discussing sustainability with other hydropower producers/developers, and we hope we can both bring and retrieve useful experience from the network on sustainable hydropower development.

      The Maritime Anti-Corruption Network (MACN) is a global business network working towards the vision of a maritime industry free of corruption that enables fair trade to the benefit of society at large, and has become one of the pre-eminent examples of collective action to tackle corruption.

      Hydro became a member of MACN in 2017. The network provides Hydro with valuable insight into specific challenges within the maritime industry and how Hydro as an important part of the supply chain can contribute to the solutions with a more targeted approach. Hydro contributes financially through ordinary membership fees. In addition, each member must contribute with an initial one-time contribution of USD 4000 to the MACN collective action fund.

      The Nobel Peace Prize Concert has historically been held annually December 11, one day after the date of Alfred Nobel's death, to honor the Nobel Peace Prize laureate. The award ceremony on December 10 takes place in the Oslo City Hall, followed by a series of events to celebrate the Nobel laurates.  Hydro supported for many years the Nobel Peace concert that took place the day after the official ceremony, as well as hosted together with the Nobel Peace Center in Oslo a photo exhibition set up to set light on the laurates and their cause. The concert is no longer an annual activity, but Hydro is still the main sponsor and contributor to the Peace Prize exhibition at the Nobel Peace center, which forms a part of the Hydro sponsorship of the center.  In 2021, Hydro supported the concert that was set up again for a one-year trial at the Oslo Concert Hall, and contributed with NOK 1 million.

      The Nobel Peace Center is the museum about the Nobel Peace Prize. Their permanent installations tell the story of Alfred Nobel and the Peace Prize laureates and their engaged and groundbreaking work. Their changing exhibitions provide insight into the fields of war, peace and conflict resolution, often presented in new and surprising ways. Hydro is one of the center’s main sponsors and has contributed annually with NOK 3 million since 2005 and is cohosting a series of seminars with the center under the name of Real Business. 

      The Partnering Against Corruption Initiative (PACI) was initiated during the World Economic Forum annual meeting in 2005.

      The PACI Principles for Countering Bribery, which all signatories commit to, are as following:

      • A zero-tolerance policy towards bribery
      • Development of a practical and effective implementation program

      The principles are derived from Transparency International’s Business Principles for Countering Bribery, which Hydro has been actively involved in developing. Hydro signed on to the PACI in 2005.

      Hydro has a cooperation agreement with WEF including an annual contribution. Financial contributions are given as ordinary membership fees.

      Transparency International (TI) is a world-spanning organization that works to fight corruption. TI has placed the fighting of corruption on the agenda, and works in relation to governments, organizations and business and industry alike.

      Hydro has been actively involved in formulating TI’s Business Principles for the Countering of Bribery, and works closely with TI’s international secretariat. Hydro has been a supporting partner to TI Norway since the chapter was founded, and has participated in the update of the “Protect your business – Anti-corruption handbook for the Norwegian business sector.”

      Hydro has a cooperation agreement with TI Norway including an annual contribution of NOK 250,000.

      UNICEF works with governments, civil society organizations and other partners worldwide to advance children’s rights to survival, protection, development and participation, and is guided by the Convention on the Rights of the Child. UNICEF is permitted to receive funds and other support from the private sector in order to assist its work and to that end collaborates with major private sector entities that share UNICEF’s commitment to children.

      Hydro entered into a Signature Partner Agreement with UNICEF Norway in 2020 with focus on the thematic areas of children and adolescents education and capacity building. Hydro will contribute to support specific relevant UNICEF Education Programmes in specified geographic territories within the supported program areas. Hydro contribute to support and engage in a youth cooperate advisory board program in Norway organized by UNICEF Norway focusing on impacts of increased use of renewable energy for future generations. Hydro’s annual contribution to UNICEFs programs is NOK 1,800,000, including NOK 500,000 as a Christmas/holiday donation made on behalf of Hydro’s employees.

      Verband der Industrielle Energie und Kraftwirtschaft (VIK) consists of 300 companies from industry and commerce that has one common topic: Energy. VIK works with policies at the state, federal and European level related to energy supply decisions.

      Volker Backs, Managing Director Rolled Products, is member of the board. Hydro participates in projects and committees as appropriate. Financial contributions are given as ordinary membership fees.

      Established in 2000, the Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights are a set of principles designed to guide companies in maintaining the safety and security of their operations within an operating framework that encourages respect for human rights. The principles are a result of governments of the United States and the United Kingdom, companies in the extractive and energy sectors, and non-governmental organizations, having engaged in a dialogue on security and human rights. The participants recognize the importance of the promotion and protection of human rights throughout the world and the constructive role business and civil society — including non-governmental organizations, labor/trade unions, and local communities — can play in advancing these goals.

      Hydro participates in projects and committees as appropriate. Financial contributions are given as ordinary membership fees.

      Wirtschafts Vereinigung Metalle (WVM) is a non-ferrous metals association which represents the political interests of this sector and focuses its political activities for these members in Berlin and Brussels with offices in both capitals. WVM is member of the board of BDI, the umbrella association of German industry. Beside chemical industry, WVM is a big representative of energy-intensive industries. WVM cooperates with Eurometaux, the sister-association for NF-industry on EU-level in Brussels.

      Hydro is a regular participant in projects and committees as appropriate. Financial contributions are given through ordinary membership fees.

      The World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) is a coalition of 150 international companies united by a shared commitment to sustainable development based on the three pillars of economic growth, ecological balance and social progress.

      Through our involvement in the WBCSD, we are able to influence industry’s contribution to sustainable development by playing an active part in programs concerning:

      • social responsibility
      • innovation and technology
      • climate
      • energy and mobility

      Financial contributions are given as ordinary membership fees.

      The World Economic Forum is the International Organization for Public-Private Cooperation.
      The Forum engages the foremost political, business, cultural and other leaders of society to shape global, regional and industry agendas. It was established in 1971 as a not-for-profit foundation and is headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland. It is independent, impartial and not tied to any special interests. The Forum strives in all its efforts to demonstrate entrepreneurship in the global public interest while upholding the highest standards of governance. Moral and intellectual integrity is at the heart of everything it does.

      Hydro’ President & CEO is normally participating in the Annual Meeting in Davos. Hydro participates in projects and committees as appropriate. Financial contributions are given as ordinary membership fees.

      In September 2015 the United Nations General Assembly formally adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, along with a set of 17 bold new Global Goals to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure prosperity for all. Each goal has specific targets to be achieved the next years until 2030. The UN Sustainable Development Goals constitute a universal, integrated and transformative vision for a sustainable world. For the goals to be reached, the UN General Secretary has called on everyone to do their part: Governments, the private sector and civil society. They explicitly call on business to use creativity and innovation to address development challenges and recognize the need for governments to encourage sustainability reporting.   

      Hydro recognizes that corporations too have a responsibility to minimize the negative impacts and maximize the positive impacts of its company, of its industry – and for our planet. To us, sustainability is about making our products in ways that harvest the fruits of the world, without consuming the world itself. We want our products to make a significant impact in people’s lives, without making a substantial impact on our planet. 

      We use the SDG Compass, a tool built in a partnership between GRI, UN Global Compact and the World Business Council on Sustainable Development, to make a high-level review on how we relate to the UN Sustainability Development Goals in Hydro’s GRI index. The complete review on how Hydro relate to the UN Sustainability Development Goals can be found below.