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      Bjørn Petter Moxnes

      Board member

      Role: Board member, representing the employees, since 2022. Current term expires in 2025. Member of the Board Audit Committee.

      Born: 1960

      Nationality: Norwegian

      Number of shares in Norsk Hydro ASA: 993
      Key experience:
      Moxnes has been employed in Hydro since 1985 and has extensive experience within aluminum electrolysis production and technology development.He has worked as a pot room manager and had various assignments abroad related to technology implementation projects. He has been working In Bahrain, Qatar, Australia and Brazil.

      As an aluminum production expert, Moxnes has related competence within environment and climate change. He has written several publications presented at the TMS (The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society) and has been a lecturer at the international aluminum course at NTNU, Trondheim for more than 15 years.

      Current directorships:

      • Group leader Tekna-P Norsk Hydro (Norwegian union for engineers with master’s degree)
      • Leader of SSR (Sentralt samarbeidsråd) representing the four Norwegian Hydro unions, Tekna, NITO, Negotia and Lederne


      • Master’s degree in Chemical Engineering from NTH, Trondheim, Norway
      • Master‘s degree in Technology Management, from NTNU, Trondheim and MIT, USA