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      Hydro-supported social centers in Belém near construction start

      The TerPaz program, a public initiative in the state of Pará in Brazil, seeks to create multipurpose social centers for local communities. Hydro is supporting with investments, engineering and equipment.

      diagram, engineering drawing
      Model of the project "Usina da Paz" in Terra Firme

      Final preparations are being made for the start of construction in Belém, the state capital. Three social centers are planned under the TerPaz program. The “Usinas da Paz” will serve residents of the neighborhoods of Guamá, Terra Firme and Jurunas. 

      The “Usinas da Paz” will have sports complexes, audiovisual rooms, and various services, such as medical and dental care, legal consultancy, document issuing, technical and professional training, and multipurpose space for fairs, events and community gatherings. There will also be spaces for free courses and dance, theater, robotics, martial arts, music and library. The final definition of the profile of each center will be determined by the Government of Pará.

      “Hydro is committed to making society more inclusive and better for everyone. And we know of the importance of education, employment and access to culture as agents that transform society. To this end, the company has supported various development initiatives in the territories where it operates. One of them is the TerPaz program, which is aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals and with the company's strategies,” says Eduardo Figueiredo, Director of Territorial Development at Hydro.

      Hydro's investment in the construction of Usinas da Paz was defined in a cooperation agreement signed with the Government of Pará. The company's objective is to strengthen social development in the region where it has its main operations and most of its employees in Brazil, in the State of Pará.

      The survey and topography stages of the sites have already been completed, and soon the contracting of a company to carry out the work and other services necessary to deliver the spaces to the Government of Pará will be concluded. 

      All activities are taking place in accordance with the health and hygiene protocols for the prevention of Covid-19. Hydro is prioritizing local suppliers at all stages of the project. Once built, the management, operation and maintenance of the “Usinas da Paz” will be the responsibility of the government.