Hydro’s total score was 65 percentage points, down from 69 in 2020. DJSI considered Hydro best in class in the Governance & Economic Dimension and rated as No. 3 in both the Environmental and Social categories. Hydro scored 100 percent in environmental and social reporting.
“We regard the Dow Jones Sustainability Indices as an important benchmarking tool to further improve our ESG performance,” says Kirsten Margrethe Hovi, Hydro’s Head of Extra-Financial Reporting, referring to Environmental, Social and Governance. “It is a dynamic evaluation and thus a moving target, encouraging their participants to continuously improve.
“While pleased with our overall results in the Governance & Economic Dimension, we see further room for improvement in other important areas. We are, however, happy to see significant improvements in areas like supply chain management and cyber security, and we appreciate that our efforts are being recognized.
“While our good score on human rights is reassuring to us, we will continue to seek improvements to be even more transparent in this important area.”
Hydro has been included in the DJSI index series every year since its start in 1999, making this the 23rd consecutive year. The DJSI group of indices are an important tool for companies, investors and other stakeholders to assess sustainability performance.
The group’s Corporate Sustainability Assessment (CSA) covers over 10,000 companies around the world. An extensive public report will be published November 20.
Of Hydro peers, Hindalco, which is headquartered in India, scored 73 percentage points and is included in the DJSI World, while Alcoa, based in the U.S., with 69 percentage points, is included in the DJSI North America index. Hydro is included in the DJSI Europe index.
About Dow Jones Sustainability Indices (DJSI)
The DJSI family tracks the performance of the world's leading companies in terms of economic, environmental and social criteria. The Dow Jones Sustainability Indices (DJSI) launched in 1999, operated under a strategic partnership between S&P Dow Jones Indices and RobecoSAM.
The DJSI, a division of S&P Global, are the longest-running global sustainability benchmarks worldwide and have become the key reference point in sustainability investing. Hydro has been present on DJSI for 23 years in a row.
Read more on Dow Jones Sustainability Indices (DJSI).
Published: November 15, 2021