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      New board member in Hydro

      The Corporate Assembly in Norsk Hydro ASA on Tuesday approved Svein Kåre Sund as new member of Hydro’s Board of Directors for a period of two years.

      Sund replaces Ove Ellefsen as one of the Board's three employee representatives. Billy Fredagsvik and Sten Roar Martinsen were re-elected for a period of 2 years.

      After Tuesday's election, the Board of Directors in Hydro consists of chair Dag
      Mejdell, deputy chair Irene Rummelhoff, Finn Jebsen, Thomas Schulz, Liv Monica Bargem Stubholt, Marianne Wiinholt, and the employee-elected board members Billy Fredagsvik, Sten Roar Martinsen and Svein Kåre Sund.