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      Hydro on top of Dow Jones Sustainability list

      Hydro has been selected industry leader in the aluminium sector on the Dow Jones Sustainability World Index (DJSI World) – for the first time since 2009.

      “Our ranking reflects Hydro’s continuous efforts to operate in a sustainable way,” says Kirsten Margrethe Hovi, Head of Extra-Financial Reporting. “We should all be proud of our achievement.”

      For several years, Alcoa was the industry leader, and remains on the DJSI World Index.

      This year, Hydro’s performance was best on Code of conduct & compliance, Water related risks, Human rights, Stakeholder engagement and the four reporting/transparency indicators.

      Hydro is the only Norwegian company included in the World Index this time around, while the Norway-based consumer goods company Orkla is included in the DJSI Europe. DJSI World is regarded the world’s most prestigious sustainability index.