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Aluminium, a key part of a low-carbon future, is made from alumina, oxide refined from the raw material bauxite. Following Hydro's acquisition of Vale's aluminum business in 2011, Hydro operates a large bauxite mine in the municipality of Paragominas and the alumina refinery Alunorte in the municipality of Barcarena. These operations feed Hydro's aluminum production worldwide with raw material.

Operating in vulnerable areas requires the highest standards in health, safety and environment. Hydro is continuously working to improve and to contribute to lift industry standards. Hydro seeks to do this in collaboration with local communities and authorities.

As part of Hydro's efforts to always improve, the company has specific and measurable targets, including for environmental standards.

Long-term commitment and targets
Hydro took ownership and operatorship of the bauxite mine in Paragominas in 2011. The mine is located in areas of secondary rainforest, which have been subject to logging and cattle grazing since the 1970. It is not pristine rainforest.

Hydro's long-term aspiration for the rehabilitation work is to bring back as much of the original forest structure and biodiversity as feasible, compared to how it was before logging and agribusiness started in the area.

In 2012, Hydro established a 1:1 rehabilitation target, meaning that every year, it aims to rehabilitate the areas which have been mined and are available for rehabilitation. Progress is reported annually in Hydro's annual report (page 30-31 in the 2016 annual report).

In addition, Hydro has a target to close the historical reforestation gap that it inherited when taking operatorship of the mine in 2011. This target to close the gap, set to be achieved by 2020, means that in addition to rehabilitating the areas where Hydro is currently mining, Hydro also rehabilitates areas that were opened prior to the acquisition in 2011.

As part of the efforts to reach the long-term aspiration, in 2013, Hydro initiated and became a partner and major funder of the Brazilian-Norwegian research consortium BRC, as referred to on and BRC's website.

Hydro has invested around NOK 10 million in the BRC, which brings together Norwegian and Brazilian scientists who develop research on biodiversity and climate. The intention is to share the results and competence with other interested parties to help Brazil's efforts to reach its climate targets set in The Paris Agreement. Please see BRC webpage.

Hydro is a member of the International Council on Mining and Metals, which main purpose is to strengthen environmental and social performance of the industry. Please see ICMM's webpage

Hydro also has an ambitious climate target, aiming to be carbon-neutral from a lifecycle perspective by 2020. The target calculates CO2 emissions from the full value chain of producing aluminium, including mining operations.

It also calculates the benefits of using aluminium in products and applications that help reduce CO2 emissions, such as in cars and energy-efficient building, solar applications and packaging. Please see Hydro's website for futher details. The climate-neutrality target also includes the effects of rehabilitation in Paragominas.

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