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      Hydro Paragominas named best mining company in Brazil

      The bauxite mine, Hydro Paragominas, ranks as number one on the list over mining companies in Brazil in the latest edition of Best and Biggest of EXAME magazine.

      Executive vice president in Bauxite & Alumina, Alberto Fabrini, highlights that the recognition is an award earned by all at Hydro Paragominas.

      “This is a proof that when practicing Hydro’s standards and values, you get an engaged unit who is able to achieve impressive results”, says Fabrini.

      In 2015, Best and Biggest of EXAME magazine did a detailed evaluation of the financial reports and indicators of the companies, resulting in a list with 20 companies.

      “This award is to all the 1400 employees and all the contractors. This recognition motivates us to keep going. I believe more of our units can achieve this kind of recognition”, says Fabrini.

      “We see good examples on companies and customers working and seeking solutions in order to strengthen the economy and the country to overcome the crisis”, commented Finance Minister Henrique Meirelles.

      Excellency in the first stage of the value chain

      Hydro is a global aluminium company with production, sales and trading activities throughout the value chain, and it starts with Bauxite & Alumina in Brazil.

      “Since we operate in the first stage of the value chain we have to be excellent. This award confirms what Hydro says and practice in Pará State, believing in aluminium as the metal of the future”, says Bauxite & Alumina Chief Operating Officer, Silvio Porto.