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Perfect recycling management means the complete recycling of a product at the end of its use phase, with the creation of a new product from the individual components. In order to turn this vision into reality, it is necessary to separate products as finely as possible into their single components. Then the resulting materials can be reused by type.

As far as the recycling of aluminium window frames is concerned, the Hydro Aluminium Recycling Deutschland GmbH has taken another step closer to the perfect materials cycle, as the VDI Center for Resource Efficiency shows in its new film: Following a precise analysis of the shredded aluminium parts, a new shredding plant separates the individual alloys so accurately that the recycled aluminium can be returned to the materials cycle. Since aluminium is used in a multitude of different alloys, proper sorting into clear fractions is essential for comprehensive recycling. Therefore, the shredding plant uses special x-ray equipment and different screening methods.

The metal separation by fractions enables the recycling of 30,000 tons of high-quality aluminium per year and a reduction of CO2 emissions by more than 200,000 tons. This key technology was funded within the framework of the Environmental Innovation Programme of the Federal Ministry of Research and Development.

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