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      Hydro's Mertens heads first global alufoil association

      Supporters of the Global Aluminium Foil Roller Initiative (GLAFRI) have decided to establish a legal trade association. Manfred Mertens, head of Hydro's Packaging & Building unit in the Rolled Products business area, was elected president of this first-ever global foil association.


      GLAFRI is now operating as an association with 42 member companies, including five supporters, from all major foil producer areas worldwide. This follows the remarkable success of GLAFRI so far, particularly the three annual conferences held to spearhead its activities.

      Initially the major objective of the new association will be to continue ‘one voice’ on foil promotion and sustainability issues globally, with the aim to support foil market growth in general. The new organization will enable more continuity in carrying out the decisions and actions decided during the conferences and allow other projects and ideas to be developed.

      In addition to Hydro's Manfred Mertens as president, vice presidents are Simon Chan from Xiashun Holdings and Fabiano Schneider Urso, from Votorantim Metais – CBA. Stefan Glimm was appointed director general.

      Speaking about the formation of the association, Mertens said: “We are very proud to have created such a strong momentum with GLAFRI that it has led to the unanimous decision by participants to form an association. It will enable us to build upon the outstanding work already done to support the aluminium foil sector and to make a strong and effective contribution to the sustainability debate.”

      “Despite the continuing challenges in the market the outlook for foil with about 4% annual growth generally remains very positive and being able to speak with one voice on global promotional and environmental issues confronting the sector can only be a highly positive development,” Glimm added.

      Aluminium foil in food and drink packaging applications saves more resources than are used in production. Various Life Cycle Assessments (LCAs) show that alufoil packaging and household foil contribute less than 10% of the environmental impact in a product‘s lifecycle – production, preparation and consumption.

      GLAFRI also emphasizes on other benefits of aluminium foil, thanks to its barrier protection, mechanical properties, formability and strength, heat performance and many more. Read more about key assets of alufoil.