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Hydro will establish eight apprenticeship positions in Grevenbroich, Neuss and Hamburg.

“We are making our contribution in providing a job opoportunity in our industry for refugees who have fled to Germany,” says Joachim Deppe, Head of HR & Organization in Hydro's Rolled Products business area.

Germany expects 800,000 new applications for asylum in 2015, and its government and national business associations have asked companies to help.

In Hydro, the rolled products plant in Hamburg stepped forward by hosting an intern from Syria in July and August. The refugee is an educated electrical engineer, and it took several steps to get all necessary approvals for his internship.

Hydro will take action as fast as possible, in close collaboration with local authorities, chambers of industry and employer associations.

“We are ready to recruit the first positions as soon as we have clarified the outstanding practical issues with the authorities,” says Deppe.

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