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The Norsk Hydro ESG Investor Briefing is part of a joint project initiated by the UN Global Compact and the UN-backed Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI). The project is designed to improve company-investor communications on environmental, social and corporate governance information.

The briefing will be based on the model of the conference calls held in connection with the quarterly results presentations.

During Hydro's one-hour presentation, André Fey, head of HSE & CSR, Kirsten Margrethe Hovi, head of Viability Reporting, and Pål Kildemo, Investor Relations officer, will present the company's ESG value drivers using a framework developed in collaboration with Global Compact LEAD companies and PRI investors. The presentation will be followed by a 30- minutes Q&A session for the participating investors.

The Hydro briefing is a part of a series of 10-15 pilot presentations by Global Compact companies in 2012-2013, designed to test and refine the ESG Investor Briefing concept and develop a framework complementary to sustainability reporting for corporate communication with the investor community on strategic ESG risks and opportunities.

  • Norsk Hydro ESG Investor Briefing
    Webcast conference call
    Wednesday, June 5, 2013, at 17:00 CEST

If you are interested in participating in the Norsk Hydro ESG Investor Briefing, please contact Danielle Chesebrough, manager of Investor Engagements with the UN Global Compact.

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