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      Green light for development of Vasstøl power station

      <p>Hydro has decided to build the Vasstøl power station in Suldal, Norway, in connection with a rehabilitation of the dam at Finnabuvatn, which will serve as the power station intake and main reservoir. The total investment is NOK 95 million.</p>

      Vasstøl power station will represent an annual energy potential of about 26 GWh from the drop from the existing reservoirs for the Røldal power station, Finnabuvatn and Vasstølvatn in Suldal.

      Planning for the power station has been done in several phases after the concession was given by the Norwegian authorities in 2004.

      The new power station will comprise a valve system in a tunnel at Finnabuvatn dam, an underground pipeline 1,800 meters long and the power station itself, located at Vasstølvatn. The turbine will capture the force of the water falling about 150 meters in elevation. The installation is 5.4 mega volt ampere.  

      Rehabilitation of the dam at Finnabuvatn is part of a new dam security regulation from Norwegian authorities.

      Coordinating the two projects will lead to a considerable savings in administrative and technical costs.

      Hydro's projects organization is responsible for doing the work, which will need substantial support from the Røldal-Suldal operational teams throughout the building phase. 

      The project will begin in the spring with work at the dam and power station. Construction is expected to take about 18 months, with power generation to begin in the autumn of 2012.