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  Rosália Rodrigues Arruda, 19, midfielder of the ARF. She already was a soccer player and her father is very proud, who was touched when his daughter passed in the qualifying round. She has been playing since she was 9, but he is realistic to say that following a soccer player career is something that requires a great effort. Because of it, she aims to be business manager. A supporter of Paysandu and Corinthians, she says she is very excited about the trip, knowing that the responsibility is great with the first women's team of ARF. To relieve the tension, she says that training with Formiga is essential, mainly because of the tactics tips and technical fundaments, such as passes and shots.
  Rosane Christine Cardoso Brandão, 19, center back of the ARF. A student in the workplace safety course at Senai, "Baby," as she is known, says it has been very good to participate in the ARF, and that she has great family support, especially from her father.More experienced after joining the Bola Pra Frente project, she says she is a very dedicated student, thus reflecting on good grades. And taking part in the project led her to discover what career she really wants to pursue and after attending a series of lectures, she decided she wants to be an environmental engineer.
  Karen Jennifer Nascimento de Carvalho, 16, fullback (right side) of the ARF. A student in the 3rd year of high school, she is a fan of Remo and Flamengo and her idols are Ganso and Ronaldinho Gaúcho. She has been playing soccer since she was 9 with friends in the neighborhood where she lives. She used to play in her school's soccer team and now is working hard in the field and also in her English classes before going to compete in the world championship. For her, soccer will only be a hobby, since she wants to be a chief of police, so that she can contribute to reducing violence.
  Michelle Carvalho dos Santos, 17, goalkeeper of the ARF. She got the position after three qualifying rounds, always counting on the support of her parents, who call her at each training session to see how everything is going. The family, incidentally, has a long history in soccer because, she said, everyone in the family plays it, "men and women, without exception." A Remo and Flamengo supporter, she aims to be a professional soccer player, and that wish got further stronger when she knew she was going to be trained by Formiga, a player in the Brazilian Women's Soccer Team.
  Janayna Silva Coimbra, 16, plays in three positions: striker, midfield and goalkeeper. Born in the Marajó Region, she has been a soccer player since the age of 9, and has been living in Barcarena for one year now. As soon as she arrived in the city, she learned of the project and soon enrolled for the qualifying rounds. A student of the 2nd year of high school, she does not think of becoming a professional because she does not see value being given to women's soccer. She wants to attend medical school and continue playing soccer as a hobby. Her favorite teams are Remo and São Paulo. Whenever there is no training, she watches the matches on television.
  Luana Cruz Costa, 19, midfielder of the ARF. She joined the project last year and has noticed many changes in her behavior. She also says that she learned how to play soccer and that it is a dream to be trained by Formiga. She does not intend to pursue a professional career; she will continue studying and look for a job. Her favorite teams are Paysandu and Santos and her idol in soccer is Neymar.
  Claudivane Magno Coutinho, 17, striker of the ARF. She started playing soccer at age 12 with friends in the neighborhood where she lives. Then, she began playing in the school team and has been training in the ARF for three years, since the formation of the first women's team. A fan of Flamengo and Paysandu, she will take the university entrance exams for law school. In addition to sports, she participates as a volunteer in the actions of the Bola Pra Frente Program. As to the Norway Cup, she feels a huge responsibility to represent Brazil and the Amazon and wants to maximize the experience of being trained by the famous Brazilian soccer team player Formiga.
  Sibele Gaia Ferreira, 19, center back of the ARF. The wife of a former ARF player, she played in four qualifying rounds to join the team that will travel to Norway. A fan of Paysandu and São Paulo, she says she never liked playing with dolls and that her passion has always been soccer, always playing with friends on the street. Her dream is to complete high school and graduate in Physical Education so as to stay connected to the world of sports. Her going to Norway, she says, is the trip of a lifetime, especially because it is the first trip of Sibele, who has already played for the Barcelona of Barcarena.
  Rayane Goes Martins, 17, full back (left side) of the ARF. She has been playing soccer since she was 9 and got a position in the team after two qualifying rounds. She would like to be a soccer player, but is considering other professional options, such as being a lawyer or a chemist. Her idols are former Remo player Landu and Paulo Henrique Ganso, one of the main players in the Brazilian Team. She highlights the experience she is having with the ARF to be very good due to the learning of life, and said she got very surprised when she heard she would be trained by Formiga.
  Marilene Martins Silva, 17, midfielder of the ARF. A student in the 1st year of high school, she is called 'Perry' in the team. She is a fan of Remo and Barcelona and likes the style of soccer player Paulo Henrique Ganso. She got to know the project through her sister (in memoriam) who also participated in the team as a goalkeeper. Her being called to join the team was celebrated by the whole family. She does not intend to become a professional player, as she already knows that what she wants is to focus on her studies and pass the exams for medicine, veterinary, biology or agricultural engineering.
  Jacqueline Silva das Mercês, 20, midfield. In the team since the first formation, she is more than a player. She is a volunteer in the project in environmental actions and in the organization of training equipment. A fan of Remo and Flamengo, she has been playing soccer since she was a child and says that when she was born, her first gift was a ball. Being a professional player is a dream she finds hard to achieve because women's soccer is not as valued as it should. Thus, she wants to study to enter the medical school.
  Leila Maques Moreira, 17, center back of the ARF. A student in the 3rd year of high school, she has been playing soccer since she was a child and has participated in the Alunorte Cup since the 6th grade. Her being called for the team was a moment of happiness which she acknowledges by her steady dedication in the training sessions, in school and in all project activities. She wants to be a psychologist. Her favorite teams are Remo and Flamengo, and her inspiration in women's soccer are Marta and Cristiane, players in the Brazilian team.
  Suelen Souza Negrao, 18, striker of the ARF. A student in the 3rd year of high school, she is known as 'Japa'. She has been in the project for two years now, despite the initial resistance from her mother who says that soccer is not a sport for women. Absolutely introverted at first, Suelen says that now she is a different person, and this has helped a lot in school. Without a fear of danger, as she herself points out, she wants to continue playing, but also has plans to be a police officer. Her idols are Neymar and Messi and she is inspired by Formiga to do well in Norway.
  Michele Moraes Pompey, 18, striker of the ARF. After four qualifying rounds, she managed to get a position in the team. Having been playing since she was 10, she really wants to be a soccer player, but if it does not work out, she intends to follow a career as an engineer. A fan of Paysandu and Barcelona, her idols are Alexandre Fávaro and Cristiano Ronaldo. While being anxious, she says he will do her best to help the team bring the cup to Pará, which will be an unprecedented event.
  Ellen Cristina Pinheiro Queiros, 16, striker of the ARF. She has been playing soccer since she was 10 years old and joined the team after participating in a repechage match with the team. If she doesn't succeed as a professional soccer player, she wants to be a lawyer or a police oficer.Her taking part in the Bola Pra Frente represents a significant change in behavior; so, she has the full support of family and wants to continue the project as a volunteer after the competition. For her, being trained by Formiga is a very unique experience to learn about the life of a professional player.
  Yandra Samya Rosa da Silva, 16, center back of the ARF. She did not expect to pass in the qualifying rounds and says she is very happy to have gotten it. She says she has learned a lot in terms of relationship, which has helped mainly with her own family. She has been playing soccer since she was 7 years old; after joining the project, her school grades have improved a lot. Initially, she was a striker, but after a while in the sidelines and having participated in some training sessions as a center back, she became the holder of that position. She intends to become a chief of police. She a fan of Flamengo and is really looking forward to playing in Norway.
  Suele Cristina dos Santos de Souza, 20, full back (right side) of the ARF. The phrase "never give up" fits well in Suele's profile, as she played in five qualifying rounds to join the ARF and has participated in the Bola Pra Frente project for three years now. She highlights hard work as a strength to the project, thus strengthening the issue of interaction and knowledge of life. A supporter of Remo and São Paulo, she says the first ARF women's team will do well in Norway.
  Karla Renara Souza e Silva, 18, midfielder of the ARF. Shy and playful, she is a fan of Remo, Santos, and Barcelona. Her inspirations in soccer are Neymar and Formiga.She never imagined she could be trained by a professional player, who helps her develop in the field. She is a student and will always be involved with sports, as she will take exams for the course of Physical Education in college.

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