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      Smart support solutions!

      Smart Media Solutions manufactures brackets for projectors and TV screens. Design has become one of the most important demands besides function, quality and safety in product development over the past few years. Aluminium extrusions have allowed the creation of technology and design concepts that now characterize the whole product range.

      Driving innovation force

      Smart Media Solutions has world leading American maker of projector screens Draper as owner. SMS is a company that is driven by a strong innovation force, something that is reflected in both the product range and in an organisation that is clearly focused on the market and development.

      The SMS range includes brackets for flat TV screens and projectors, projection screens, sound and alarm systems for plasma screens as well as outdoor cabinets for TV monitors. Design and manufacture were once mainly based on steel but recent years have seen a steady shift to aluminium.

      New approach to design

      The introduction of flat TV screens and computer projectors with a strong emphasis on design made it necessary for the company to develop a completely new range of brackets and hanging devices to meet the new approach to design.
      Aluminium was soon seen as a potential material to replace steel but SMS was doubtful when it came to brackets for heavier screens. It was suitable in terms of design but the company was unsure when it came to strength. Large TV screens are heavy and the demands made on the brackets are high when it comes to stability, function and safety.  

      Extrusions up to the task…

      However, creative and optimized extrusion design was up to the task, not only in terms of design and functionality but also for strength and durability. So now extrusions are used as a component, not just for the ‘lightweight’ and ‘medium’ end of the range but are also being developed for the real heavyweight systems where the arms in a folding wall bracket have to cope with a 50 kg weight at a distance of 70 cm from the wall! 

      …and keep the cost down!

      The transition from steel not only gave more elegant designs of a lower weight with the same strength and functionality; the financial outcome has also provided the required end result. Creative design and built in functions make production more efficient at a lower total cost compared to an equivalent steel bracket. For SMS extrusion as design material also means freedom of design, the possibility of concealed and flexible joins as well as the opportunity to build modules and thus reduce the number of components.
      Hydro has assisted with technical advice throughout the development work and in the latest projects Hydro’s R&D department has assisted with calculations for overall strength and torsional strength as well as the natural frequency of the bracket components, i.e. how the bracket will behave when handled by the end user.

      Today, Hydro supplies extrusions for floor pedestals and ceiling brackets, arm extrusions for wall brackets and various mounting and securing parts. The extrusions are delivered finished and of the correct size for final assembly.  

      Strong, elegant and smart aluminium solution from SMS!