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      ID cards

      For security reasons, identity cards are necessary at many of our locations around the world. Two basic designs, one for personal and one for non-personal cards, are available.

      identity card with photo of a woman. Others with text only, representing Service, Temporary and Contractor

      Minor adjustments to the format in order to fit local production requirements are allowed.

      Personal cards

      The personal ID cards have the following mandatory elements on the front side:

      • Hydro logo in blue
      • Full name
      • Portrait of card holder

      Non-personal cards

      The non-personal ID cards are color coded and have the following mandatory elements on the front side:

      • Hydro logo in blue
      • Location
      • Card number
      • Card type

      The information on the back side will be placed automatically by the card producer. 

      Color coding of non-personal cards

      Hydro Blue

      Guards, contractors, consultants, cleaners and all other persons working on short term contracts or for external service providers.

      Hydro Light Blue


      Hydro Green


      Hydro Bauxite

      Access cards for specific areas of our buildings, like gym facilities or
      common areas. Any further need for color coding should be assessed and decided locally. If additional colors are needed, only use official Hydro brand colors. These are included as swatches in the InDesign template.