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      Integrated annual report 2023: Shifting gear to capture opportunities in a new reality

      2023 was a year marked by the consequences of wars, geopolitical rivalry and the battle against inflation, which led to challenging markets and weaker financial results. However, while managing the uncertainty in the short-term, Hydro is strengthened in its conviction about the long-term commercial opportunities arising from the green transition and the key role aluminium is set to play.

      22.3BNOK Adjusted EBITDA 8.8BNOK Accumulated improvementsagainst 2018 baseline 7.1% Adjusted RoaCE 2.50 NOK Shareholderdividend 33,000 40 Countries Total recordable injuries per million hoursworked 443,760 Tonnes post-consumerscrap recycled in 2023 Employees 2.4

      Hydro's Integrated Annual Report 2023

      Remuneration report 2023