Annual Report 2019
Hydro aims to lift profitability and drive sustainability in order to increase long-term value for our stakeholders and contribute to a viable society.
Key figures

- Annual report 2019 web.pdf
- Financial Statements and Board of Directors report 2019 web.pdf
- Årsberetning og årsregnskap 2019 web.pdf
- Viability performance.pdf
- Norwegian code of practice for corporate governance.pdf
- Performance and targets.pdf
- Norsk anbefaling for eierstyring og selskapsledelse.pdf
- Country by country report.pdf
- Annual report 2019 APM tables.xlsx
- Q4 2019 and FY 2019 financial tables.xlsx
- Viability performance statements 2019.xlsx
- Country by country 2019.xlsx
- 2019 Årsberetning og regnskap Norsk Hydros Pensjonskasse 2019_web.pdf