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      General Meeting

      The Annual General Meeting of Norsk Hydro ASA will take place on May 9, 2025.

      The General Meeting is the company's highest decision-making body. All shareholders have the right to propose items for the agenda and to vote at the General Meeting.

      Documents to General Meeting

      The meeting notice is sent to all shareholders individually or to the shareholders' custodian banks.

      The notice and appendices for the General Meeting may also be downloaded from Norsk Hydro ASA’s website. Shareholders may contact the company on the following address to request that the documents are forwarded on paper: 

      Norsk Hydro ASA
      att: Investor Relations
      PO Box 980 Skøyen
      0240 Oslo

      Inquiries may also be e-mailed to

      Participation and voting

      Pursuant to section 5-2 of the Norwegian Public Limited Liability Companies Act and Article 7 of the company's Articles of Association, the right to attend and vote at the General Meeting may only be exercised by someone who is a shareholder five working days before the General Meeting (the Record Date).

      Shareholders can vote in advance or give authorization to a proxy before the meeting as described in the meeting notice.

      Owners of shares held through nominee account must communicate with their respective nominee, who is responsible for conveying advance votes, proxies and/or notice of participation at the general meeting on behalf of the shareholder. 

      Registration must be done no later than two working days prior to the general meeting.

      The shareholder’s rights in connection with a General Meeting

      • Right to attend the General meeting, either in person or by proxy
      • Right to vote at the General Meeting
      • Right to let an advisor participate at the General Meeting
      • Right to submit questions prior to the General Meeting
      • Right to submit questions and comments, including alternative proposals in connection with the items on the agenda. Such proposals may be forwarded in writing to the Chair during the General Meeting, and such rights may also be conveyed to an advisor
      • Right to request information from the members of the Board of Directors and the President and CEO as set out in section 5–15 of the Public Limited Liability Companies Act. Request for information should be submitted no later than 10 days prior to the date of the General Meeting
      • Right to have matters dealt with by the General Meeting. Questions have to be submitted in writing to the Board of Directors within seven days prior to the deadline for notice of the General Meeting, together with the proposed decision or a reason why the matter should be included on the agenda. The General Meeting can in general not process with matters that are not included in the meeting notice.

      Shareholders who wish to request information from Board Members, or the CEO or who wish to raise issues at the General Meeting are requested to submit their proposals here.

      Electronic information about your shareholding

      If you wish to receive information electronically about your shareholding in Norsk Hydro ASA, including invitation to the General Meeting, you can enter this in your profile in VPS Investor Services.

      You can access VPS Investor Services through your online bank account or directly at:

      To receive information electronically, edit your investor information in VPS Investor Services. Save your changes.

      To reduce use of paper and to reduce costs, we encourage our shareholders to use electronic transmission for the invitation to the General Meeting.