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      Karmøy Primary Production

      At Karmøy, Hydro produces primary aluminium. We also have two casthouses at Karmøy.

      Employee looking at electrolysis hall

      Did you know?

      • Number of employees: 520
      • Began production: 1967
      • Production: 270 000 tonnes of primary aluminium and 220 000 tonnes of casthouse products annually
      • Products/specialties: Primary aluminium, casthouse products, research and development

      Hydro produces primary aluminium, or liquid aluminium, at Karmøy. Karmøy is one of Europe's largest primary aluminium plants. At Karmøy, Hydro has its pilot plant for smelting technology with the most climate and energy-efficient aluminium production technology in the world. 

      There are two casthouses at Karmøy: one delivering extrusion ingot for profile production and one producing wire rod for high-voltage cables.

      We also have a research and development center at the plant that focuses mainly on improving the production process.


      Quality management: 9001:2015
      Environmental management: ISO 14001:2015
      Energy management system: ISO 50001:2018
      Occupational health and safety: ISO 45001:2018 (former Ohsas 18001)
      Automotive standard: IATF 16949:2016
      Sustainability/CSR: ASI Performance standard                 


      Karmøy Primary Production

      Hydrovegen 160

      N-4265 Håvik
