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      Security and Technology

      The Alunorte alumina refinery maintains comprehensive environmental control mechanisms to ensure safe and sustainable operations.

      Alunorte Effluent Treatment Plant

      Alunorte uses the most modern technology in the world for waste disposal: the use of 8 filter presses, generating waste with a 78% solids content, allowing the waste to be dry stacked with compaction.

      The alumina refinery was the first to use this technology for waste filtration in Brazil on a large scale. In addition, the plant invests heavily in effluent management and monitors the DRSs, using geotechnical instruments to assess operational safety and stability.

      Environmental controls


      Alunorte carries out monthly air quality monitoring in the surrounding communities. The parameters analysed are total suspended particles and SO2 (sulphur dioxide). The company has three air quality monitoring stations in the communities: Vila dos Cabanas; Planta (located behind Albras); and Vila do Conde.

      Alunorte uses electrostatic precipitators, bag filters, irrigation control of the accesses and continuous monitoring of the plant's emission sources (rotary calciners and boilers) to guarantee low emission rates at the refinery.


      The company maintains 16 noise measurement points and carries out an annual noise analysis in the areas surrounding the plant. All the results are below the level permitted by Conama 01/90.


      With regard to treated effluents, Alunorte continuously monitors and analyses the quality and compliance with all applicable legal parameters.

      The parameters observed are: Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD), Chemical Oxygen Demand, inhalable material, thermotolerant coliforms; oil and grease, iron, ammoniacal nitrogen, temperature, pH, silica, sulphate, suspended solids, sodium, aluminium, calcium, iron, magnesium, alkalinity, chloride, dissolved oxygen in the water, metals established in CONAMA resolution 430.

      In accordance with its operating licence, Alunorte monitors heavy metals every six months. All the results, including cadmium, arsenic, chromium, mercury and lead, are below the legal limits. This data is reported to environmental institutions on an annual basis, as provided for in the operating licence.

      Emergency response plan

      Alunorte has a community environmental emergency response team, which aims to alert and guide the surrounding communities as quickly as possible, focussing on events related to the refinery's operations. All those hired are from the surrounding communities.


      The team has been trained to provide first aid and emergency care.

      In addition, as part of the Emergency Response Plan for the communities, Alunorte has vehicles equipped with loudspeakers to communicate with the population. These vehicles are strategically positioned for rapid action and the arrival of information to society.

      Drills constantly test the company's response to emergencies.

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