Did you know?
- Number of employees: 700
- Began production: 1954
- Production: 400 000 tonnes of primary aluminium, 500 000 tonnes of casthouse products and 80 000 tonnes of anodes annually
- Products: Extrusion ingots, foundry alloys, anodes
Aluminium production began in Sunndal in 1954. The Søderberg plant with 300 electrolytic cells was operational until 2002. In 1969 production capacity was doubled to 120 000 tonnes when a modern prebake plant (SU3) with 168 cells became operational.
Between 2000 and 2004 the Hydro Sunndal metal plant was modernized and production expanded. The Søderberg plant was phased out and a new prebake plant (SU4) phased in, with 340 cells based on Hydro's own electrolysis technology. At the same time, the capacity of the casthouse was increased through the establishment of new casting halls. Support facilities were also upgraded to meet new environmental and quality requirements.
The total production capacity at Hydro Sunndal today is 400 000 tonnes of liquid metal. Casthouse capacity has also been increased to over 500 000 tonnes of finished products. In addition, the plant produces 80 000 tonnes of anodes per year.
One of Hydro's metallurgical research centers (RDS), the Hydro Accounting Competence Center (ACC), and the equipment company Hycast AS are located adjacent to the metal plant.
ISO 9001 quality management standard
ISO 14001 environmental management standard
ISO 45001 Occupational health and safety management standard
ISO 50001 Energy management standard