Hier finden sich Publikationen von Hydro zum Anschauen oder Herunterladen. Auf unseren Standort- und Produktseiten verlinken wir auf jeweils spezifische Zertifikate und andere Dokumente über unsere Aluminiumprodukte und unsere Werke.
S-Grade alloys for specialist automotive applications
Car designers and manufacturers are under ever increasing demands to make safer, lighter and more recyclable vehicles.
Whitepaper herunterladenPositioning Hydro for the just and green transition
This white paper explores Hydro’s holistic sustainability approach, and role in supporting a just and green transition.
Whitepaper herunterladenAluminium Solutions for Trucks & Large Commercial Vehicles
The truck industry is facing challenges when designing components: weight reduction, safety and total cost.
Whitepaper herunterladenAutomotive Material Selection for a Net Zero Future
Can the automotive industry achieve a carbon-neutral future?
Whitepaper herunterladenAluminium profiles for solar mounting systems
Tailored, efficient and sustainable
Whitepaper herunterladenHow to increase the use of recycled materials
Outlook and lessons learned about circular economy from the aluminium industry.
Whitepaper herunterladenAdhesive bonding of aluminium
Possibilities and limitations in adhesive bonding of aluminium
Whitepaper herunterladenCarbon footprint of recycled aluminium
Hydro’s position on how to calculate carbon footprint of recycled aluminium
Whitepaper herunterladenMaterials supporting the circular economy
Understanding materials from a life cycle approach
Whitepaper herunterladenE-mobility white paper
Materials selection for a more sustainable automotive future
Whitepaper herunterladenReibrührschweißen
Praktische Anwendungen des Reibrührschweißen (FSW)
Whitepaper herunterladenCircular Economy: Design
Circular economy starts on the drawing board
Whitepaper herunterladenFire safety aluminium structures
How structures in aluminium can be designed and effectively protected against fire
Whitepaper herunterladenPole Products Passive safety
Aluminium as a material for light poles and support structures
Whitepaper herunterladenThe benefits of using aluminium for beverage cans
Aluminium cans are the planet’s most recycled container and can be considered a renewable resource in themselves.
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