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      Hier finden sich Publikationen von Hydro zum Anschauen oder Herunterladen. Auf unseren Standort- und Produktseiten verlinken wir auf jeweils spezifische Zertifikate und andere Dokumente über unsere Aluminiumprodukte und unsere Werke.


      • S-Grade alloys for specialist automotive applications

        Car designers and manufacturers are under ever increasing demands to make safer, lighter and more recyclable vehicles.

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      • Positioning Hydro for the just and green transition

        This white paper explores Hydro’s holistic sustainability approach, and role in supporting a just and green transition.

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      • Aluminium Solutions for Trucks & Large Commercial Vehicles

        The truck industry is facing challenges when designing components: weight reduction, safety and total cost.

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      • Automotive Material Selection for a Net Zero Future

        Can the automotive industry achieve a carbon-neutral future?

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      • How to increase the use of recycled materials

        Outlook and lessons learned about circular economy from the aluminium industry.

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      • Carbon footprint of recycled aluminium

        Hydro’s position on how to calculate carbon footprint of recycled aluminium

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      • Fire safety aluminium structures

        How structures in aluminium can be designed and effectively protected against fire

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      • The benefits of using aluminium for beverage cans

        Aluminium cans are the planet’s most recycled container and can be considered a renewable resource in themselves.

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